Shibata Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology Clinic
Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology Clinic

TEL | 03-5783-3050 |
map | 3-5-8 Minamishinagawa |
No pain! Nasal Gastrointestinal Endoscopy” is recommended!

[Liver and Digestive Organs] “Shibata Naika”, the clinic,examines the liver and digestive organs using the latesttechnologies such as abdominal ultrasound and endoscopeand treats all kinds of liver and digestive diseases.[GeneralInternal Medicine]The clinic performs general internalmedicine, checking for high blood pressure, diabetes,hyperlipidemia, heart disease, asthma and other ailments.
The clinic has been in business for 14 years and specializes in internal medicine as well as liver disease – a rare specialty in the surrounding area – and general gastroenterology.
In particular, we see many patients who bring the results of corporate medical checkups, stomach pains caused by stress, insomnia, and prolonged cold symptoms.
Endoscopic examinations, which have a frightening image, can also be performed with peace of mind for gastrointestinal disorders thanks to the introduction of “painless” nasal gastrointestinal endoscopes.
We also have an excellent reputation for our medical services such as Pylori eradication by medication, liver disease, which is said to be a silent organ, and outpatient smoking cessation, which boasts a success rate of 80%.
We prescribe as few medications as possible, considering whether or not they are truly necessary.
We listen carefully to our patients and provide kind and trustworthy medical care, respecting the wishes of our patients and treating them according to their feelings.